Thursday 13 September 2018

Miss Kyla Faith & Blog Updates

If you follow along on any of my social media accounts, it should come as no surprise that the reason for this, longer than expected, hiatus is due to the birth of my daughter, Kyla Faith.  And while, this was necessary, I have really missed my little place here with you.

Her arrival was swift and "easy" (not easy but, rather simple. No outright craziness ensued or anything very unexpected).  I will do a birth story post as it's 6 months later and do want to make sure I write it down in my own words rather than solely relying on the midwife notes as time goes by.

For now though, I'll share some early photos of our dear girl that we waited so long and quietly (more on that decision later as well) for.  I apologize for their poor quality.  Most were taken with an I Phone camera.

Kyla's first photo

Ride home from the hospital

At 3 days old

One Week Old

It's really interesting to post these now, knowing what she looks like 6 months later.  In some photos I think she looks exactly the same and in others, she looks like a completely different child.

I should also quickly mention, that this blog space, while it will feature some tips and tricks for natural health and wellness, it seemed like a dedicated Facebook page would be a more appropriate space to educate on my oil business specifically.  So, ALL information that i convey regarding the oils can be found on the Simply Well Facebook page and bits and pieces will be worked into the new direction for Simply Graceful which will primarily be a lifestyle blog moving forward.

Thank you for checking back in and for the support on and off the blog.  I am really looking forward to continuing to connect with friends both near and far.

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