Friday 12 April 2019

I Will...

I've been on a large hiatus from this simple space for quite some time and the lack of attention devoted to Simply Graceful has been weighing on me.
I do love this space as an outlet for ideas, capturing memories and sharing stories with you.  So, now that we have some semblance of a schedule, I am going to try and make my little blog more of a priority.

While I work the blog back into my routine, I've also been thinking a lot about other things that I need to make a priority.  One being intentional time, but not just time because I do have that part down, but, intentional family activities.  Spending time and energy planning activities that we can do as a family and make some real memories this summer.  Maybe it's because the weather has been so dreary and cold and I'm just willing Summer to arrive however, being intentional as a family is something so valuable that I do not want to let that special time fall by the wayside. So, we decided to make a family bucket list for the Summer.  All simple, easily reachable ideas that we can spend some time completing over the summer months.

I thought I would share our current list with you in hopes it helps you build yours and perhaps you could add some ideas to ours. So, without further it is.

In addition to the bucket list, I also stumbled across this graphic which divides your week days into themes.  I have started doing this in my business and it is a great way to focus attention and be productive.  So, I think I will do something similar when planning activities with Kyla.

Are there any other activities I am missing?  If you're from Southern Ontario and know of some great places to visit, make sure to let me know.  Or, if you have some AMAZING summer plans yourself, I'd love to hear them.

Lots of Love,

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